Born in Dayton, Ohio, Aaron Talib has always had a pension for being creative. Whether when he was alone with his action figures or hanging out with his childhood friends, there always a story to be made or a moment to create and share with others. This creativity eventually landed him a place at Ohio University, where he earned a bachelors degree in Media Arts and Studies as a video production major. After graduating in 2019, Aaron moved to Columbus, Ohio where he currently works as a freelance videographer. Aaron has provided his services as freelancer for a wide variety of production companies including;
• NBC Sports
• The BIG 10 Network
• CBS Sports
• Life Time Network
• ABC News Studio
• Revelxp
• The Skin Deep USA
• Triple Seven Productions
• Storied Rivals LLC
• Scene 75 Productions
• Fujifilm U.S.A
• Canon U.S.A
• Nikon U.S.A
• Midwest Photo Exchange

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